His life in the Culinary world begun as a young man. This is when his brothers were going to the farm to plant and harvest and he was busy left behind to ensure when they came back from the ‘’Shamba’’, they would enjoy a mouth-watering meal. It’s due to this, that his passion for cooking grew day by day.
He later joined a local Catering College in Nyeri where he was trained and gained lots of knowledge in what he loved most and after successful completion of training, he started working.
Simon has worked as an Executive Chef in American Embassy, Lambada Hotel Mombasa, Kenya Wildlife Service Headquarters just to name a few. He is currently working as an Executive Chef at Farmer’s Grill & Brisket Franchises.
Chef Simon Mwaniki says being a Chef is not easy but what drives him is the burning passion inside him to do Culinary. He also ensures that the food he prepares does not just excite the senses but also to tell a story. It’s important for a Chef to understand how each ingredient will interact each other on the plate of his clients. He says this is the best decision he ever made in his life of being a Chef.
His final words to the upcoming Chefs out there is that attitude is everything in Culinary, you can’t be the best Chef if your attitude is negative. Chef Simon will be attending the Regional Chefs and Food Expo in September 2021 www.eastafricachesconference.com. Impact Chefs and Hospitality Institute and the East Africa Chefs Consortium Celebrates Chef Simon Mwaniki. www.impactchefsacademy.com